Hey Guys , One more hacking method called "Portal Hacking " DOT NET NUKE" (DNN)". This method also uses google search to find hackable sites.. Now you can imagine that how much google.com is important for Hackers also...Tutorials:
Download SHELL From Here ::Shell::
Step 1: Open http://www.google.comStep 2: Now enter this dork
this is a dork to find the Portal Vulnerable sites, use it wisely.
Step 3: you will find many sites, Select the site which you are comfortable with.
Step 4:
For example take this site.
Step 5: Now replace
with this
Note: if it will show you like this (see screenshot below) its mean site could not hack find another site
Step 6: You will get a Link Gallary page.So far so good!
Step 7: Dont do anything for now,wait for the next step...
Step 8: Now replace the URL in the address bar with a Simple Script
Step 9: You will Find the Upload Option.
Step 10:
Select Root
Step 11:
Upload your package Your Shell c99,c100 etc etc ..
NOTE : The website will not let you upload .php or asp files so you would have to change the extension e.g yourshell.php.jpg
Press Browse and select shell.asp;me.jpg and click Upload selected files. We have uploaded our ASP Shell. Now to navigate to our shell, go to
Now you can upload your PHP Jackal Shell.
Now navigate to
And rename one of the deface pages (the pages that were in the Everything you need thing) too index.html and upload it on the root of the site.
Note: Many Websites Owners Updated their websites So this method ll not work on many websites But Gud luck ;)
Note: This tutorial is only for Educational Purposes, I did not take any responsibility of any misuse, you will be solely responsible for any misuse that you do.
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